Well last month the decision of banning 1000 and 500 rupee notes took the country by storm and even after 30 days the cash crunch is not over. Some experts say this bold move of Indian Government will effect GDP of our country badly in short run but it will also does many long term benefits.
The main reason behind this move is black money and corruption. If our government really want to finish these two problems then it has to stop printing these new 2000 rupees currency notes.
There are many reasons which favor it, First of all it’s very difficult to hide large amount of black money consisting smaller currency notes, Secondly It will become difficult to bribe someone also. Many developed countries like America, UK doesn’t really has bigger notes like America’s biggest note is $100 while of UK is 50 pound.
Currently to tackle cash shortage government had issued 2000 Rupee note but it will also be stopped just like 1000 Rupee note, even in coming years 500 rupee note should be stopped if Cash less transactions increase, moreover if government really want to achieve the target of cashless economy then smaller notes are better options because it will force people to do digital transactions more. Currently its easy to carry few lakh rupees in pocket because of 500 and 2000 rupee note but it will change in their absence.
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