Yesterday I finished reading Chetan Bhagat’s latest Novel “One Indian Girl” a story of extraordinary women with a strong message which reminds of that commercial add dialogue “why should boys have all the fun?” well yes that’s what am going to discuss today.
Why is this world still a male dominated?
Why women of the 21st century is still not getting equal pay for equal work (compared to men)?
Well frankly speaking am not going to raise all these old issues, because they are well known, My issue is why workplaces are not women friendly?
If we look at the world around us we will found that it’s all in accordance with the man’s need. In 21th century women also play a major role in various businesses all around the world but still no one care about their needs, If we look at the basic schedule of an office it’s Okay for a man and even for a young women but not for a women who is married now and have Children waiting at home because of this most girls quit job before marriage in India and those who decide to continue, have to leave it during pregnancy, It is because of this reason professions like teaching which are quite women friendly have more women.
There’s a strong need to change this scenario, offices should be more secure and friendly for women, Companies should understand that their female staff has different needs like the early leave, holidays on days like Karva Chauth, 40-90 days maternity leave, flexible Scheduling for women who have children, women-in-leadership, 50% women executives and sabbatical. The whole schedule which all companies generally follow is good for men but it should also be made women-friendly.
#Happy Karva Chauth
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